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Essential Pillars of Trustworthy AI Building Pillar #1 Cybersecurity | LinkedIn
Please quote me on this: " We cannot realize the full potential of AI without building Trust in AI" "We cannot achieve the intended outcomes, without building Trust in AI." The million dollar question? How are we going to build trust? Answer: With Essential Pillars.
GitTech (Use Caution)

GitHub - projectdiscovery/nuclei: Fast and customizable vulnerability scanner based on simple YAML based DSL.
Nuclei is used to send requests across targets based on a template, leading to zero false positives and providing fast scanning on a large number of hosts. Nuclei offers scanning for a variety of protocols, including TCP, DNS, HTTP, SSL, File, Whois, Websocket, Headless etc. With powerful and flexible templating, Nuclei can be used to model all kinds of security checks.
Cyber News

Helping users stay safe: Blocking internet macros by default in Office - Microsoft Tech Community
It’s a challenging time in software security; migration to the modern cloud, the largest number of remote workers ever, and a global pandemic impacting staffing and supply chains all contribute to changes in organizations. Unfortunately, these changes also give bad actors opportunities to exploit or...

Emotet malware now installs via PowerShell in Windows shortcut files
The Emotet botnet is now using Windows shortcut files (.LNK) containing PowerShell commands to infect victims computers, moving away from Microsoft Office macros that are now disabled by default.